In 2025, Businesses Need to Reduce Plastic Waste—Here's Where to Start
Plastic pollution is one of the most significant problems in the climate crisis. Between packaging, footwear, takeaway containers, cigarette butts, and more, 21-25 million tons of plastic waste leaks into aquatic ecosystems, polluting lakes, rivers and seas every year.

How to Prepare Your Business for an Emergency
Updated 12/16/25. Here are seven steps you should take for your business to make sure if you ever are faced with an emergency, your business has the means to maintain operations and withstand the hardship.

Sustainable Gifts for Everyone on Your List
This year, consider giving to not just people, but the planet, too, by shopping our guide of sustainable gifts. From pets to the ones who say they don’t need anything, you’ll find a gift for everyone on your list.

Green Gifts from Black-Owned Small Businesses
Patronizing Black-owned businesses for the holidays is a smart way to Vote with Your Dollar and uplift those who have been historically marginalized.

Americans Trust Small Businesses More Than Any Other Institution
A new national survey by Pew Research Center reveals Americans trust small businesses more than any other institution.

The Inflation Reduction Act: Guide to Small Business Resources
Within the Inflation Reduction Act come numerous opportunities for small businesses—from accessing solar energy to electric vehicles and more.

7 Green Business Resolutions You Should Try in 2023
Commitment to sustainability is important and these green business resolutions can help your business make that a reality.

Buying from Amazon Doesn't Support Small Business
Five ways small businesses are suffering under the domination of Amazon.

Six Water-Saving Steps for Your Small Business
Low cost, quick, and easy water-saving tips amidst summer droughts.

What's New for Green Business in 2021?
The State of Green Business report from GreenBiz looks at the biggest trends over the last five years for the largest 500 companies in the US and the largest 1,200 globally.