About Us
We’re the first and most diverse network of socially and environmentally responsible businesses in the country.
The Green Business Network provides small-to-medium sized, sustainable businesses with the tools, resources, and exposure they need to make a positive impact on their bottom line, their community, and the planet.
We are powered by Green America, a 501(c)3 that has promoted a green and just economy since 1982.
Green America’s educational programs and publications influence green consumers to choose socially and environmentally responsible businesses. Our 200,000+ supporters actively seek to do business with members of the Green Business Network, especially those enterprises who have earned our rigorous certification.
As the longest-running sustainable business network in the country, the Green Business Network has supported, connected, and advocated for thousands of small businesses over the years. Our members derive a handful of high-value benefits, like opportunities for exposure in our membership magazines and social media channels, access to our member-to-member offering exchange, and discounts to industry-specific webinars and online workshops.
Meet the Team
Dr. LaKeisha Thorpe
Co-Executive Director: Culture, Strategy, and Green Business Development
Steve Fletcher
Scott Kitson
Senior Manager, Marketing & Communciations
Anya Crittenton
Communications Associate
Joe Paulukonis
Member Services Assistant
Kenia Gomez
Certification Manager