Take Your Power Back: Join the Economic Blackouts and Shop Small
Cutting through all the noise on social media, there are many things to know about these economic blackouts, including why they happen, if they’re effective, and what to do when you need to buy something.

Resources, Funding, and Support for Women-Owned Businesses
With the right resources, women-owned businesses could generate $10.2 trillion annually. If things remain as they are, however, it will take over a century for women-led businesses to reach parity with men-owned businesses.

Resources, Funding, and Support for Black-Owned Businesses
The following resources and funding opportunities for Black-owned businesses can help keep these businesses open and inspire more diverse entrepreneurs to pursue their small business dreams.

In 2025, Businesses Need to Reduce Plastic Waste—Here's Where to Start
Plastic pollution is one of the most significant problems in the climate crisis. Between packaging, footwear, takeaway containers, cigarette butts, and more, 21-25 million tons of plastic waste leaks into aquatic ecosystems, polluting lakes, rivers and seas every year.

How to Prepare Your Business for an Emergency
Updated 12/16/25. Here are seven steps you should take for your business to make sure if you ever are faced with an emergency, your business has the means to maintain operations and withstand the hardship.

Resources, Funding, and Support for Latino/a-Owned Businesses
The following resources and funding opportunities for Latino/a-owned businesses can help keep these businesses open and inspire more diverse entrepreneurs to pursue their small business dreams.

Looking for an Insurer That Isn't Driving the Climate Crisis? We've Got a Tool for That
In the wake of the home insurance crisis, Green America is launching the Climate Smart Insurance Directory to connect consumers with insurance companies that do not underwrite fossil fuel projects or invest heavily in the fossil fuel industry while leaving homeowners in the lurch when climate disasters strike.

Pressure Is Making Anti-ESG Bills Crumble Across the Country
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles are key for a just financial and sustainable future. Across the country, however, state legislators and executives are risking a safe future for people and planet by pushing anti-ESG bills across the country.

Small Business Partners with US Government to Create More Accessible Housing
An accessible home allows for independent living for persons with disabilities, with features like wider door and hallways and things like knobs and mailboxes changed to be easier to grasp at heights within reach.

Megabanks have committed $6.9 trillion to fossil fuels since 2016 – with almost half to new oil, gas, and coal
What if you found out the money in your bank account was being used to fuel fires and floods, leading to contaminated water from fracking or coal mining, or air pollution where you live?