Looking for an Insurer That Isn't Driving the Climate Crisis? We've Got a Tool for That
In the wake of the home insurance crisis, Green America is launching the Climate Smart Insurance Directory to connect consumers with insurance companies that do not underwrite fossil fuel projects or invest heavily in the fossil fuel industry while leaving homeowners in the lurch when climate disasters strike.
Dr. Lakeisha Thorpe named new Executive Co-Director of Green America
Green America is proud to announce Dr. LaKeisha “Keisha” Thorpe as its new executive co-director for culture, planning & green business development.
Big News From Green America's Leadership Team!
We’re celebrating our beloved Fran Teplitz, Green America’s Co-Executive Director of Business, Investing & Policy, and her 23 years of remarkable service here at Green America, as she moves into “rewirement.”
Green America Supports Expansion of Federal Trade Commission’s Green Guides
Green America participated in the Federal Trade Commission’s 2023 public comment period on the Green Guides, formally endorsing the continuation and expansion of these important guides.